Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Soy Chorizo with Egg Replacer

This one is pretty simple. I just bought soy chorizo from Trader Joe's and cooked it with the equivalent to 6 eggs with the Egg replacer. I'm going to learn how to make my own soy chorizo the next time I make this, that way, if you can't find it in any stores where you're at, you'll have a recipe to make it homemade.

Just cook the chorizo for about 5 min in a skillet on med heat, no oil needed. Then add in the egg replacer and cook for another 5 min, until it is mixed well and browning. I made the chorizo into burritos, but you can also eat it plain, or just use pieces of tortillas or bread to scoop it up. REALLY good stuff!!!

My dad, who is very much a carnivore and wants nothing to do with my foods, tried this and said it was pretty good! He added that it might be better with some potatoes mixed in. So, next time I make this, which will be very soon, I will try it with the potatoes and I'll see about making it all from scratch!

Until then, Eat well, Live well!

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm, chorizo and potatoes is the poor man's enchilada filling. when you go to restaurants, the choices are always chicken, beef, cheese. special meals in our house meant enchiladas with chorizo and potatoes.

    soyrizo and potatoes is a nice reminder of those times growing up, but you need to add the right spices! add more chili powder than cumin, plus sea salt and black pepper and you will make carnivores forget there isn't meat in the meal.

    don't take my word for it, let me cook it for you sometime! xo,m
